Mission Villas


Built in responsive style, the updated Missionvillas.ca contains all the features of the original non-mobile friendly site, but now in a mobile friendly version.
Mission Villas now resizes to many different screen sizes, from the smallest smart phone to the largest TV screen.
Our other concern was rebuilding the site in a way that would not interfere with current search engine rankings. Rankings not only did not suffer, they have continued to improve over time.

When we began, Mission Villas only had 2 phrases in the top 300 spots in Google that we could find. Now they have dozens of first page rankings, many of those in the top 5 spots in Google and other search engines.
Overall visitor traffic has increased substantially, and visitors are spending much longer on the site and viewing more pages per visit on average. Conversions have also improved, with more people filling out contact forms, as well as calling the facility.