Mona Weinstein


Okanagan Web Solutions was hired to build a new website for this client, who had never had a website before.
We designed a website that was unique, simple and able to help the artist display her artwork. She was also concerned about people stealing or copying the images, so we set up security on the site to discourage stealing the images.

Okanagan Web Solutions had to first come up with a solution to stop people from downloading the images. The client also wanted a 100% unique website. After presenting a few options, this was the design selected. Now, site visitors can scroll images right from the home page, click to view larger, and also navigate through different areas of the website.

Mona has reached a much larger audience for her artwork. She is now able to sell to a larger audience without them having to go to her studio. This has freed up her time to create new pieces of art for everyone to appreciate.